The William Turnbull Competition honors the memory of William Turnbull, FAIA, by exploring ideas about how to sustain and improve the California landscape.
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attached flyer.
An Open Ideas Competition for Retrofitting the American West
In anticipating, mitigating, and adapting to projected impacts of climate change, critical challenges facing the arid American West includes:
Water-Energy Nexus. It takes a lot of water to make energy and it takes a lot of energy to use water; their impact on each other is self-limiting.
Climate Change + Water Scarcity. A warmer climate leads to dwindling snowpack.
Climate Change + Variability. A warmer climate leads to intensified rain events.
Infrastructural Obsolescence. Current infrastructure design favors importing increasingly scarce snowmelt over long distances for single-use, while diverting increasingly intensive local stormwater to flood-control systems as waste.
Rural/Urban Disconnect. The water needs of urban growth are increasingly dependent on transfer of rights from agricultural irrigation districts.
Science/Policy Gap. There is a communication gap between people, planners, and scientists.
In securing a safe, adequate, and reliable water supply for an environmentally and economically resilient future, design has an important contribution to make.
Untying the water-energy nexus. Localized water management requires less energy.
Designing appropriate infrastructures. Flooding becomes an opportunity, not a threat.
Repairing the rural/urban continuum. Localized water management can bolster local economies in both agricultural and urban settings.
Closing the Science/Policy Gap. Design vision serves as a multidisciplinary catalyst for change.
Positioning the west as leader in global drylands initiatives. New approaches lead to solutions throughout the American West and world-wide.
The California Architectural Foundation, in partnership with the Arid Lands Institute at Woodbury University and the AIACC Academy for Emerging Professionals, announces a call for entries for the 2011-2012 William Turnbull Competition: Drylands Design: An Open Ideas Competition for Retrofitting the American West. Design teams are invited to generate progressive proposals that suggest to policy makers and the public creative alternatives for the American west, ideas that may be replicated throughout the world.